Music Moves In Me

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Family Reading List

We love storytime in our early education music classes and these illustrators are our children’s faves. Discover how some of these illustrators were inspired. Find these books anywhere online & on insta.

·        Sharks | Robert Sabuda | @robertsabudareal

·        Muhammad Ali | Brosmind | @brosmind

“ Very happy to here that it’s one of your picks. Regarding to your question, our favorite aspect of creating the book was learning about the inspirational life of Muhammad Ali. We of course knew about him before beginning the work on the illustrations, but the process made us dig deeper into some of the defining moments of his life, and that was very inspiring. “ -Alejandro

·        What is a River? | Monika Vaicenaviciene  | @monikavaicenaviciene

 “My favourite aspect... Perhaps that I could find a home for all the river memories from my childhood - having a picnic on the riverside with my grandmother, listening to nightingales on warm afternoons, walking with my dog on foggy evenings - and sharing that feeling of wonder, of connection that a river brings, with others.” -Monika

·        Lazlo Learns Recorder | Masha Klot | @mashaklot

·        Over and Under | Christopher Neal | @csilasneal

“Rainforests are so lush and multilayered. One of my favorite parts of making this art was finding ways to use texture and color to bring those layers to the pages of our book. Oh, and getting to draw a large mama sloth was a definite highlight.” -Christopher

·        50 States | Sol Linero | @sol.linero

·        Stevie Wonder | Melissa Johnson | @sauceboss_666

My favorite part was probably doing visual research for the illustration. So that’s means looking at lots of photos of Stevie wonder’s various hairstyles, outfits, etc. He has sooo many cool looks over the years. I also liked learning about the different styles of furniture and decor, as well as learning about other Motown artists. An illustration I did featured Motown poster designs based on real Motown posters! I guess I’m a big nerd but I always love “art within art” moments. -Melissa

·        Guitar Genius | Brett Helquist | @bhelquist

·        Hair Love | Vashti Harrison | @vashtiharrison


Get Ready to Rock & Roll with the Little Ones Today!

Our wonderful teaching team provides mobile music & movement class for children. While discovering several genres we explore rhythm, simple intervals, percussion instruments, puppet play, and story time. We also lead children’s b-day parties that are all that & a bag of potato chips. Our class offerings can be “family & me,” private ukulele lessons, or music classes for your early education department.  |  insta: musicmovesinme | (310)  845-5475