I Can’t Help FALLing in love with...November Adventures!
During these months, we are discovering all about Thanksgiving as well as American and European Folk music. We are learning how the Native people of America helped the European settlers and the music that has been written since. We have learned all about:
Music Dynamics: Where is Middle “C” on the piano?
Listening and Learning Solfege (Do-Re-Mi-Fa-Sol)
Creativity & Speech Skills
Working as a Team
Following Directions (i.e. "Time to clean up friends" "repeat after me")
Check out: The New Song called “Limbo March.” Our Story Time Book: The First Thanksgiving, & the Felt Finger Puppets: Garden Harvest Picnic. All for purchase to use after music class or anytime.
What fun games can you play or make up at home with your children. Pull out the instruments, hula hoops, side walk chalk, or just plain old limbo with a string. Enjoy this fun song " Limbo March" for purchase on musicmovesinmesongs.com.
Limbo March Song - Buy Here