It's Martin Luther King Day

It's Martin Luther King Day

In this video we are exploring all about who Martin Luther King Jr. was. We are discovering what this national holiday is all about and some of MLK ‘s major accomplishments as he was growing up. Feel free to share other family stories of how “people were brought together” by an act of kindness that was done. These can be huge world changing acts or everyday ones. When people look different from us or are differently-abled, how can we be inclusive in our community? These are great conversation starters. Discuss what this holiday means to you, so little ones can understand why we celebrate. The song can be purchased: It’s Martin Luther King Day.

This video may help grown-ups in sharing about hard history topics in an age appropriate way. For the Martin Luther King holiday try a hands on approach by exploring with clay or play dough. A great place to start is by sharing that MLK Jr. worked hard to bring all different types of people together.
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Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart!

Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart!