Just the Bear Necessities-June Activities
We are off to the zoo...
We are learning about all of the various animals this Father’s Day month. In class we discussed each animal and their babies' names. During our movement exercises we explored a pretend play activity as if we actually took a zoo trip. We moved and stretched like animals we would see on a visit. We even listen to big band music from the 30’s era. We learned all about:
Rhythmic Expression: Finding and exploring various rhythms with hand held shakers
Repeating the Solfege (Do-Re-Me): Adding the challenge of singing to "La"
Coordination: Coordinating movements in time with music
Phonics: Exploring the alphabet through a song all about animals
Check Out: The New Song called: Animal Alphabet, Our Story Time Book: Little Gorilla, & the Felt Finger Puppets: Ahoy Animals. All for purchase to use after music class or anytime.