Do You Remember...October Activities
During these months we are discovering music through themes about fall. We are learning about the world around us, understanding how time passes in a calendar year, and using our imagination. We have learned all about:
Music Dynamics: Forte-which means LOUD (looks like f) & Piano-which means soft (looks like p)
Listening and Learning Solfege (Do-Re-Mi)
Creativity & Speech Skills
Working as a Team
Following Directions (i.e. "Time to clean up friends" "repeat after me")
Check Out: The New Song: Hello My Dear, Our Story Time Book: Pepper The Pony , & the Felt Finger Puppets: 5 'Lil Hipster Pumpkins! All for purchase to use after music class.
Hello My Dear Song - Buy Here
Our Felt Finger Puppets Buy Here: 5 'Lil Hipster Pumpkins